Debunking Common Myths About Hypnosis
Frequently Asked Questions About What It's Really Like to Be Hypnotized
by April Braswell, CHt, CHI
Hypnosis captivates audience's attention and entrances the mind with romantic notions of mystery from the old
stage hypnotism road shows of the 19th century and classic Hollywood era movies of the 20th century.
Even though many prospective hypnosis clients know in their rational mind that hypnosis is not a big heavy
mystery and magic trick... still in their secret heart of hearts they are wondering what is all the mystique of
hypnotism all about.
I'm a fan of the fun and popular TV show, CSI as well as its spin off CSI Miami. Super fun shows both them and
part of their allure with fans is that they stimulate our minds with science and discovery.
So many of the fans will somehow think or at least assume that the sort of scientific information the shows are
purporting must indeed be scientific facts and scientifically correct. Right?
Nope. Both shows feature fun and entertaining episodes where when you find out the TRUTH at the end of the
episodes, it was the person seeing a hypnotist which prompted the deaths and murders which thrilled us to learn in
the shows.
Does the Hypnotist Control Me When I am Hypnotized? Will I Lose Control of Myself?
The CSI episodes purport this popular misconception about what hypnotism is like and what it feels like to be
hypnotized. This myth about hypnosis is likely the most common misunderstanding about the experience of being

Hypnosis Client Relaxes Comfortably While Hypnotized
No, you do not "lose control" ever in hypnosis. On a level, all hypnosis is self-hypnosis. (Who knew you were
already such a wonderful hypnotist, right? lol)
You cannot be hypnotized against your will. All hypnosis involves your interaction and agreement to be
hypnotized. By working with trained professional hypnotherapist, indeed, you are involved with empowering yourself
for your success by your very choosing. Using hypnotism over a period of time and you can deliberately and
concertedly live your life by conscious design rather than by the default programming from ads and others.