April Braswell Life Coaching & Hypnotherapy: ICF International Coach Federation Certified Professional Coach and IHF - International Hypnosis Federation Master Hypnotherapist April Braswell, CHt, CPC empowers your success with hypnotism and life coaching services from Newport Beach office in Orange County, CA Southern California
Actualize Your Goals and Dreams. Live the Life You've Always Imagined. Empower and Equip your Personal Growth, Actualization and Self-Mastery and Professional Development in Orange County, CA.
Activate Your Personal and Professional Success by Healing Your Past and Realizing a Different Better Future.
Serving clients from surrounding Southern California area counties: Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Diego and Across the USA and Internationally via Skype or ZOOM.
Corporate Wellness Workshop in the Workplace in Orange County and surrounding counties available to reduce your HR Health Management costs and improve employee health and quality of life.
Warm | Compassionate | Passionate | Caring | Spiritual | Expert | Safe | Transformational
Hypno-Coach April Braswell featured LIVE at the IHF - International Hypnosis Federation Conference in South Los Angeles LA County, San Pedro, CA.
Happy Spring 2019! Now that the Spring months are upon us and May has just started, how do you want to spend and invest your year? Do you want to push through current limits in your sales career or business performance? Release an addictive behavior that has you trapped? Do you have a special sports competition your want to perform better at? Hypnosis and coaching can help to empower you with what you're looking for in your life. I will motivate and encourage you while empowering you at the same time. Call me for an appointment today. What are you waiting for? This is your life! It's not too late to make 2019 your best year ever launch your 2019 goals!
LIFE COACHING: Typically I meet with clients in person for the first session or two at my Newport Beach office. Subsequent sessions can be conducted at my office or via Skype as you choose. Many people enjoy having that special time just them set aside and to step away from their daily life and come to my office and breath in the smell of jasmine as you get out of your car en route to the front door. Newport Beach Certified Professional Life Coach
Happy Chinese New Year, Celebrating the Year of the Pig!
Dealing with Anxiety, Phobia, Stress, Significant Pain, or Overwhelm? For some, freeway driving or just driving at all prompts Panic Attacks. Using hypnotherapy sessions, we move more quickly through the therapy process than the many year traditional counseling model and without the need for any messy prescription medications. Get your life back and live your life more in touch with and according to your purpose.
Before you purchase that next carton of cigarettes, did you know that each year 2,000,000 smokers either quit smoking or die of tobacco-related diseases? Which one do you want to be? Choose now, then give me a call at (650) 389-3200 and leave me a message about why NOW is the time you want to quit. It's time to get your life back!
Newport Beach Beach Cities Area Hypnotist Hypnotherapy Services: April Braswell Hypnotherapy's Hypnosis Office is located in Newport Beach , 3400 Irvine Avenue, Suite 116B,. Ground floor access, so no stairs if that is an issue for you, as it certainly is for some. By appointment only.
Providing Hypnotist from Newport Beach/Irvine/Costa Mesa area Hypnotherapy Serves to LA and OC areas of Southern California Cities: Orange County Beach Cities area of Costa Mesa, Irvine, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Tustin areas of The OC / Orange County by Los Angeles of Southern California. Hypnosis empowers you to use the power of your magnificent mind to live your life by conscious design.
Are you a smoker here in Southern California, in South LA County or Orange County? Have you tried the meds or patches without the results you wanted? What is smoking costing you each month in how much cigarattes cost? If you're smoking a pack a day, that's about $9 dollars a day with taxes. The electric cigarettes aren't much better. Using them still keeps you hooked on the killing habit. For 30 days, that's about $270 a month. Month after month. Not to mention the massive cost to you of smoking cigarettes to your health.
What if I could empower you to stop smoking completely all in less than 1 month and you'll recoup your cost of cigarettes in less that 3 months. A 3 month ROI? No mutual fund can promise you that! But with the return of investment on your health, quitting smoking with hypnotherapy at my Hypnosis office in Huntington Beach, and that's just what you'll be seeing when you decide to quit smoking using hypnosis with me.
"April, thank you for helping me to get my life back!" - Former Smoker, Orange County
Is Quitting Smoking up at the top of your List of New Year's Resolutions? Do you want to kick the habit now that it's 2013, get a new lease on life, and get your life back?
Using hypnosis one-on-one with a hypnotherapist in person is one of the most effective ways to quit smoking successfully without any of the lenghty warning label side effects of prescriptive medications, creams, or pills. When you decide you want to stop smoking using hypnotism here in Huntington Beach in Orange County, CA, work with April Braswell, CHt, CHI.
A former smoker myself, I bring a compassionate and practical effective perspective to your successfully quitting - whether you go cold turkey or decide to wean yourself off of the tobacco, I'm here to help motivate and empower your success.
Curious about how HYPNOSIS can help you be more successful? To get started today for your success in quitting smoking with hypnosis:
Contact Professional Certified Hypnotherapist April Braswell, CHt, CPC today to schedule your success with hypnosis appointment:
Schedule Your Appointment: April@AprilBraswell.com
Free Phone Consultation: 650.389.3200
Email or Text me to schedule your Free Phone Consultation. Tell me more about you!
What Is The Truth About Hypnotism for Quitting Smoking? Is Hypnosis Effective for Stopping Smoking Successfully?
Perhaps you've watched a Stage Hypnotist at the annual Orange County Fair. You might then be wonderfing more about how effective is using hypnotism for stopping smoking? Hypnosis is not a big heavy mystery like back in the 1930s and 1940s Los Angeles Hollywood Movies. Practical Modality Hypnosis help for you here in Southern California Orange County, CA by South Los Angeles County, based in Newport Beach, serving the Beach Cities region of The OC, City of Orange, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Long Beach, Costa Mesa, Tustin and other SoCal and Worldwide locations with Skype.
"I've been smoking since I was 14 years old. I never thought I could quit smoking successfully. It's already been more than 7 days now without a cigarette. Hypnosis is amazing, April. Thank you helping me to finally kick the habit!" - Mark D., Long Beach
With the increased mainstream public familiarity with hypnosis, including major Los Angeles Hollywood celebrities using hypnotism to quit smoking on live television, hypnotism has been empowering people to quit smoking, stop chewing tobacco, stop nail biting, break free from anxiety, phobias, or compulsions, relieve pain, reduce stress, end procrastination, increase self-esteem, end public speaking fear, as well as lose weight and keep it off successfully. Hypnosis is a very practical modality that empowers you to live your life consciously by design as you want. Why get addicted to gum, patches or cream when you can experience real freedom and empowerment now. It's up to you. It's your choice.
Stop Smoking with Hypnosis in Newport Beach, Orange County, CA
Do you want to stop smoking quickly and easily without any prescription meds [perhaps Pfizer's prescription med Chantix which sounds like Chantics], creams, patches or gum? Is now your time to stop smoking and set yourself free, choosing real freedom and indepence? Are you ready to quit smoking with hypnotism? Do you want to quit smoking with a professional certified hypnotist? Do you want to use hypnotism for your success? Are you ready? Are you sick of smoking yet? Is now your independence day when you choose to stop? Scientific studies demonstate that smokers quitting smoking using hypnosis was more effective for long term results than those using Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) (creams, patches, and gum.) (Hasan, MD, FCCP, North Shore Medical Center, Salem, MA. North Shore Medical Center and Massachusetts General Hospital, American College of Chest Physicians 2007) Smokers used hypnosis for weeks and had an excellent long term success rate after 6 months from the initial hypnosis session.
The problem with Chantix and Zyban as well as the Nicotine Patch, Creams, and Gum is they all have a long list of nasty side-effects. Have you read all of the black box warning label for Chantix? The difference with hypnosis is hypnotherapy is a non-invasive modality. You are using a healthy and natural part of your mind to work for your personal success. Who needs to worry about side-effects when instead you can feel healthy, natural, and free with hypnosis?

Stop Smoking Successfully:
Quit smoking quickly and easily with hypnotism
While a single session for quitting smoking with hypnosis can be very effective with a success rate of around 25% akin to other modalities like NRT and antidepressants, repeat studies demonstrate that smokers enjoy the best long term stopping cessation results (66 - 90.6%) when they quit smoking over 4 or more consecutive weekly sessions. (Hammond, 1990, p. 407; University of Washington School of Medicine, Depts. of Anesthesiology and Rehabilitation Medicine, Int J Clin Exp Hypn. 2001 Jul;49(3):257-66. Barber J.) To support your long term success and avoid the frustration and feelings of failure from relapse, I offer a special package of 4 session for smokers commited to their long term success in quitting smoking successfully. When you've been smoking for years, of course it will take more than 1 session to break free from your long-term smoking lifestyle. And when you do kick the habit successfully, it feels simply fantastic. When you know you want to stop smoking, select the 4 session package in my Hypnosis Services section.
When you choose to be hypnotized, you empower yourself fully by using hypnosis to stop smoking and break free! According to the Journal of Nursing Scholarship, "Smokers who quit with hypnosis were twice as likely to still be smoke-free than those who quit on their own."

Hypnotism Services Serving the Newport Beach area of South Orange County: Irvine, Orange, Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Tustin areas of The OC / Orange County by Los Angeles of Southern California.
"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined." - Henry David Thoreau
Who Am I and What Is My Professional Promise to You for Your Hypnotism Session?
I'm certified professional Certified Hypnotherapist April Braswell, CHt of Newport Beach Hypnosis April Braswell Hypnotherapy on Euclid off of the 5 fwy. I specialize in helping people live happier, healthier and more productive lives using the positive and practical modality of Hypnotism. Whether I am working with individuals one-on-one or with groups, I customize each hypnotism session to fit your special unique needs so you can enjoy being your most successful. I never use generic scripts or a pre-recorded generic recording in place of personalized custom hypnotism in any of my personal one-on-one hypnosis sessions with you.
"Thank you so much for yesterday ... I have to admit being absolutely stunned at the level of your expertise as I had a completely different idea of what could be addressed and accomplished." - Alan D Hypnotic Coaching Client Los Angeles, CA

Break Free from Cigarettes, Stop Smoking Successfully
with Hypnotism in Newport Beach
Quit Smoking Now with Hypnosis the fast and easy way!
No need for nicotine patches or long drawn out withdrawals! Being hypnotized makes it easy and quick for you to quit smoking successfully! Break the habit and break free from your compulsion with cigarette smoking using hypnosis. I've used hypnotism myself to stop smoking and love being smoke free! I did it, you can too!
"I lost all cravings for cigarettes after our first session! Thanks April!" - Rose, Huntington Beach, CA A smoker for over 20 years.
To get started today:
Contact Professional Certified Hypnotherapist April Braswell, CHt, RH today for your appointment:
Schedule Your Appointment: April@AprilBraswell.com
Phone/Text Me: 650.389.3200
“You are the embodiment of the information you choose to accept and act upon. To change your circumstances you need to change your thinking and subsequent actions.” - Adlin Sinclair

What IS Hypnosis?
This and other Frequently Asked Questions About Orange County Hypnosis Services are at:
Hypnosis FAQs What Is It Like Working with Orange County Hypnotist Braswell Hypnotherapy?
Certified Professional Hypnotism Services Serving Costa Mesa, Fountain Valley, Garden Grove, Huntington Beach, Newport Beach, Tustin areas of The OC / Orange County by Los Angeles of Southern California including clients from Long Beach and Seal Beach.
Lose Weight with Hypnosis
Using hypnotism for losing weight.
Stop Nail Biting with Hypnosis

April Braswell with 2 of her siblings.

April Braswell and family in Santa Monica LA Cty.

April Braswell with siblings at her brother's wedding.

April Braswell celebrating her brother's wedding.

To get started today with April Braswell Hypnotherapy Hypnosis Services in Newport Beach on Irvine Avenue, right off of the 73/South Bristol:
Contact Professional Certified Hypnotherapist April Braswell today for your appointment:
Schedule Your Appointment Now: April@AprilBraswell.com
Phone Me: 650.389.3200
